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CONTRAST, the inventive 2D/3D puzzle-platformer in which the player shifts in and out of the shadow dimension playing light against dark, launches tomorrow worldwide on PC and Xbox LIVE® Arcade, and on the U.S. PlayStation®Network for PlayStation®4! The game will also be available on PS3 on November 19 in the U.S. and on November 20 in Europe. Finally, European PS4 players will be able to delve into this amazing world of light and shadows on November 29.
To celebrate this long-awaited release, Contrast let us discover its Launch Trailer, giving us an ultimate sneak-peak at the game before you can play it for yourself!
CONTRAST, developed by independent Montréal-based studio Compulsion Games, draws players into a surreal 1920s dreamscape; a vaudevillian, film noir-inspired world where the boundaries between showmanship, magic, intrigue and deception are blurred. In CONTRAST players take on the role of Dawn, the imaginary friend of a little girl, Didi. Every imaginary friend is special, and Dawn is no exception. She has the unique ability to shift from the striking 3D fantasy stage into the mysterious 2D shadowscape. Like every family, Didi’s isn’t perfect; in fact they are as unique as they come with an aspiring cabaret singer mother and an absentee father. Didi’s only wish is to reunite her family. As Dawn, use shadow shifting abilities to solve intricate puzzles and uncover the secrets that plagues the family’s past.
With lyrics written by Compulsion Games and music composed by WaveGeneration Audio, specifically for CONTRAST, the original soundtrack envelops players with cabaret inspired music and the entrancing vocals of jazz singer Laura Ellis. Accompanied by a full voice cast, CONTRAST brings its illusory world to life as players leverage light sources and manipulate real-world objects to affect the shadows placement, dimension and overall weighting to solve multifaceted puzzles.
CONTRAST will be available tomorrow on U.S. PlayStation®Network for PS4 and worldwide on PC and Xbox LIVE® Arcade. The game is released on PS3 through PlayStation®Network on November 19 in the U.S. and November 20 in Europe. Contrast is also released on PS4 on November 29 in Europe.
CONTRAST is available as both a standard digital edition and a digital Collector’s Edition, which includes the Original Soundtrack and the CONTRAST “Programme“, a 52-page art book containing the art behind the game and accompanying commentary from the development team.
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