Ancient Antediluvian Underground Labyrinth of 1,500 Rooms in the land of Egypt, Still Remains Secret Today!
Views 63,706 views; Published Dec 29, 2020
When talking about the labyrinth, the only record of these Pyramids being is given by Enoch from the records from Adam to Enoch. But now archaeologists named the palace “labyrinth“ because the building had 1,500 rooms connected through twisted corridors, contorted stairs, fake outdoors and reception halls, where the visitor could get lost easily. The stories connected with the labyrinth continue to fascinate many with tales of giant serpents, spiritual forces and hidden treasures.
In this video they inform you of the underground city underneath the Pyramids and Spinx. They also inform you of robots guarding the enternce to their hall of records.. NOTE: there are not Hieroglyphics or no carvings in the Pyramids or outside of the Pyramids.
Now the antediluvians from Adam to Enoch built a city to contain a record of all that happened which was to be preserved until after 1000 years after JESUS returns, and they had a complete time line of the time of JESUS till HIS Second Coming. NOTE: the Pyramids are a power source and alter which odviously is able to supply power to those robots guarding the sacred knowledge.
NOTE: the Pyramids were built entirely different from all the rest of the Pyramids of the world, which Pyramids were built by the antediluvians after Enoch was taken to heaven. For there was 600 years after which was given to the antediluvians after Enoch went to heaven, which time in the 600th year of Noah’s life the flood came. Noah was 1 year old when Enoch went to heaven.
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