Concrete bridge under blast loading and investigation of the effect of FRP composite jackets
Concrete Modeling in Abaqus - Blast Example
In this workshop, the foundation of a concrete bridge is subjected to explosive load, and the effect of the FRP composite jacket on the strength of the structure and its damage is investigated. The explosive load is placed at different angles and distances from the bridge base to measure its greatest impact on the structure’s resistance.
The composite jacket with two types of graphite epoxy and glass epoxy is under investigation. Also, the effect of car traffic load on the resistance of the structure during the explosion in different modes is investigated.
For the verification and validation (V&V) of this project, the model presented in the paper of Silva and Lu (2007) was built and its results were compared with the results of the paper. The results were confirmed with good accuracy. Results such as displacement value and damage mode have been compared with the paper results.
This example is part of the “Mastering Concrete Modeling in Abaqus“ course.
The UMAT/VUMAT subroutine of the damage material models is also available.
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