VICTOR MERZHANOV - Mussorgsky. "Pictures at an Exhibition" (rec. 1948) (RARE RECORDING)

VICTOR MERZHANOV, piano Modest Mussorgsky. “Pictures at an Exhibition“ Recorded in 1948. 1. Promenade 2. No. 1 “Gnomus“ 01:07 3. [Untitled] (Interlude, Promenade theme) 03:13 4. No. 2 “Il vecchio castello“ 03:53 5. [Untitled] (Interlude, Promenade theme) 07:58 6. No. 3 “Tuileries“ (Dispute d’enfants après jeux) 08:22 7. No. 4 “Bydło“(Polish, Cattle) 09:23 8. [Untitled] (Interlude, Promenade theme) 11:56 9. No. 5 “Балет невылупившихся птенцов“ Balet nevylupivshikhsya ptentsov 12:28 10. No. 6 “Samuel“ Goldenberg und “Schmuÿle“ 13:23 11. Promenade 15:09 12. No. 7 “Limoges“, le marché (La grand...e nouvelle) 16:13 13. No. 8 “Catacombæ“ (Sepulcrum romanum) 17:28 and “Con mortuis in lingua mortua“ 19:09 14. No. 9 “Избушка на курьих ножках“ (Баба-Яга) Izbushka na kuryikh nozhkakh (Baba-Yagá) 20:45
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