Unused / unissued material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown.
Brussels, Belgium - Belgian Elections in February 1946.
M/S of Manequin Pis (statue of little boy having a pee). Pan down to notice reading ’Je Ne Peux Pas Voter’ (I cannot vote).
Various shots of Belgians going to the polls on election day. An old man is helped down some steps. People coming in and out of the voting building.
Shots of people riding along on bikes with placards on their backs regarding the voting and different political parties. People walk along with placards on their heads (two heads to a placard) with things like ’Contre le Trusts Votez 3’ on them (socialist / communist party?). Donkey carries sign on its back reading ’Avant Guerre Je Votais Rex, Aujourd Hui Je Vote Parti Social Chretien’. Trucks urge for votes for the communist party.
Achille Van Acker queues with others to vote. President of United Nations Organisation (UNO) Paul Henri Spaak drops his vote into box at polling station.
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