Nuke 15.1 | Unleashed Creativity with Blinkscript

Discover the latest Blinkscript updates in Nuke 15.1. The Blink framework at the core of BlinkScript is a powerful scripting language, similar to C . BlinkScript enables you to write custom code for your own unique effects and then quickly optimize for, and deploy to, multiple different devices. This means fast performance on GPU interactive workflows that renders just as well on CPU render farms. In Nuke 15.1 we’ve completely rebuilt the Blink documentation (find it here: ) to give you everything you need to create distinct styles that bring your visuals to a whole new level. We’ve also extended the BlinkScript nodding, adding support for passing up to four channels of any kind of image layer into an input pipe or through node output. This streamlines workflows, allowing manipulation of channels like motion and depth alongside RGBA data, reducing the need for multiple nodes. For example, creating effects like chromatic aberration now requires only one node instead of multiple BlinkScripts and shuffle operations. These improvements give you more power to create visually unique effects and tools to imagine looks like never before. Download Nuke 15.1: Learn More: Questions or Feedback? Leave a comment below or join our community About Us: Foundry creates award-winning creative software so global studios can turn incredible ideas into reality. Subscribe to our channel and get the latest news, tutorials, webinars and updates from the Foundry team.
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