01) [00:00] Beloved Mt. Paektu / 사랑하는 백두산
Female duet and chorus behind the stage - Jang Jong Ae, Hyon Song Wol
02) [03:58] The Road to the Front the General Travels / 장군님의 전선길
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ryom Chong
03) [06:27] Apricot Blossoms Symbolic of Blessings / 축복의 살구꽃
Female duet - Ri Hyon Suk, O Jong Yun
04) [10:30] I Value the Love / 나는 소중해
Female duet - Kim Myong Ok, Kim Ok Sun
05) [13:58] Follow the General’s Revolutionary Time / 장군님의 혁명시간을 따르자
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jong Myong Sin
06) [17:29] Light of Happiness / 행복의 빛이라오
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Kim Hui Ok
07) [20:20] Our Posterity Will Always Remember Us / 후대들은 잊지 않으리
Female trio
08) [23:53] Our Arms / 우리의 총대
Male solo - Kim Gi Yong (The Korean People’s Army Merited State Chorus)
09) [28:11] Soldiers Look / 병사는 바라보네
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ryom Chong
10) [30:41] No One Can Match Our Army / 우리 군대 당할자 없소
Male quartet (Mansudae Art Troupe?)
11) [33:52] They Love Each Other / 좋아합니다
Mixed duet - Kim Kyong Ok, Kim Song Il (Mansudae Art Troupe?)
12) [36:33] Our Company of Master Shots Comes Back / 우리의 명사수중대 돌아 온다
Female trio and chorus behind the stage
13) [39:19] Echo from the Monument to Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War / 전승탑의 메아리
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Kim Hui Ok
14) [43:21] We’ll Follow Him Unvaryingly Even in Grim Days / 준엄한 때 천만날을 따르렵니다
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Hyon Kyong
15) [46:53] We’ll Become Human Bullets and Bombs to Defend Him / 그이를 보위하여 총폭탄되리
Mixed duet and chorus - Jo Hye Kyong, Ri Yong Ok (Mansudae Art Troupe?)
Wangjaesan Art Troupe Vol. 91 - Jon Hong Guk’s Composition 1
왕재산예술단 제91집 - 전홍국작곡집 1
Художественный ансамбль Ванчжэсан. Альбом №91. Музыкальные произведения Чон Хон Гука (1)
NOTE: It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the different sources).
ВНИМАНИЕ: Это не оригинальная копия диска! Это результат поиска песен в интернете согласно информации, полученной из разных источников. Отдельная благодарность за трек №8 направляется нашему подписчику Михаилу Томилову.
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