CASETiFY’s Bounce Cases and Clear Cases are available at ! Go to
today to get 15% off your order! #SponsoredSaturday .... #Friday
HELLOOOO omg first of all I’m posting this video early because tomorrow is NEW YEARS EVE!!! And I wanted to release this since I’m sure many of you will probably be up later than usual tomorrow, so you can have it now :)
ALSOOO I’m so sorry I didn’t film an intro for this!? I just... LAUNCHED INTO THE TRIGGERS!? Which like, cool, but also... LOL.
Anyway, what I did was ask a bunch of you on Twitter and Instagram for ANY requests you wanted.... then I took 100 o
...f them (many were repeats!) and spent a minute on each one! I hope you enjoy :) I love short triggers like thisssssss - so thank you very much for all of the requests that made it possible!
HAPPY 2023 - I’m so glad to be here with you all! I had a lovely Christmas (very busy though - but I went PAINTBALLING FOR THE FIRST TIME!? IM COVERED IN BRUISES LOLLL) and am gearing up to keep everything going for next year. :)
This January will probably be some lighter videos - like bloopers, compilations, Q&As etc, on wednesdays, and more typical uploads on Saturdays. I may do one video a week in February again this year just while I’m trying to juggle a few things and avoid any burnout / keep my video quality high!
So yeah :) Thanks for reading - and let me know if you want to see another one of these, hehe. I loved doing it!!!!!
Gibi ~
0:00 - Casetify
2:47 - Light book
2:57 - Pop rocks
3:07 - Whisper trigger words
3:17 - Tea bag crinkles
3:27 - Overextending a book binding
3:37 - Page turning
3:47 - Book tapping
3:57 - Reading the book
4:07 - Crack an egg on your head
4:17 - Sensory book
4:27 - Water bottle lid
4:37 - D&D Dice
4:47 - Invisible cooking
4:57 - Ice
5:07 - Bagged ice in water
5:17 - Face tracing
5:27 - Eyebrow tweezing
5:37 - Hair velcro sticker
5:47 - Air tracing
5:57 - Face brushing with hairbrush
6:07 - Brushing hair
6:17 - Finger fluttering
6:27 - Wood tapping
6:37 - Setting and breaking a pattern
6:47 - Mic makeup brushing
6:57 - Fluffy mic brushing
7:07 - Spanish
7:17 - Small fan
7:27 - Crinkle sound
7:37 - Tiny sponge into Little Things leather bag
7:47 - Body Tappers
7:57 - British Accent
8:07 - Velvet ring box
8:17 - Fake flowers on mic
8:27 - Positive affirmations
8:37 - Spraying
8:47 - Lens Cleaning
8:57 - Follow my instructions
9:07 - Keychain Show & Tell
9:17 - Mousse on hand
9:27 - Cards
9:37 - Unintelligible speaking
9:47 - Christmas Ornament
9:57 - Switch controller
10:07 - Covering eyes
10:17 - Latex Glove
10:27 - Applying mascara
10:37 - Shoop
10:47 - Phone screen tapping
10:57 - Phone call
11:07 - Ear cleaning
11:17 - Twin ear cleaning
11:27 - Follow the light
11:37 - Eye exam
11:47 - Teeth tapping
11:57 - Hairdryer
12:07 - Towel dabbing on your face
12:17 - Hand movements (Black & White)
12:27 - Apple tapping
12:37 - Cutting an apple
12:47 - Lens tapping
12:57 - Lid sounds
13:07 - Typing
13:17 - Mic blowing
13:27 - This or That
13:37 - Dog toys
13:47 - Dragonball bag from HYPLAND
13:57 - Can I touch your face?
14:07 - Lyre
14:17 - Fishbowl effect
14:27 - Fizzy drink
14:37 - Face paint roller
14:47 - Invisible tapping
14:57 - Water cubes
15:07 - Face adjustment
15:17 - Drawing
15:27 - Lying trigger
15:37 - Shopping list
15:47 - Stationary
15:57 - Dry Erase on a white board
16:07 - Random Questions
16:17 - Trying, but failing, to pluck things off your face.
16:27 - Current skincare routine
16:37 - Tarot Card reader
16:47 - Dog food bag
16:57 - Tongue Clicking
17:07 - Haircut
17:17 - Coffee & Reacting to an Old Video
17:27 - Inside of old german book
17:37 - Cupped Whisper
17:47 - Toaster Coaster
17:57 - Lotion bottle tapping
18:07 - Measuring
18:17 - Glasses tapping
18:27 - Leather
18:37 - Tapping on cardboard box
18:47 - Shoes
18:57 - Dog massager
19:07 - Tattoo ASMR
19:17 - Showing my closet
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OUTRO by :)
This video was edited by Shawn, my full-time editor! Give him some love:Show more