Erysipelas, complicated by abscesses of the lower leg and foot, secondary elephantiasis (lymphedema)
Rare clinical case.
A young female patient who had been suffering from chronic viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis for many years, which caused ascites and trophic soft tissue disorders.
Erysipelas and lymphostasis of the lower extremities developed, which resulted in a secondary infection. Extensive phlegmon, abscesses of the right leg and foot developed, after incision and draining which long-term non-healing infected wounds (ulcers) formed.
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Рожистое воспаление, осложнённое абсцессами правой голени и стопы, вторичной слоновостью (лимфедемой). Редкий клинический случай.
Молодая пациентка, много лет страдавшая хроническим вирусным гепатитом, циррозом печени, который стал причиной асцита, трофических нарушений мягких тканей.
Развилось рожистое воспаление, лимфостаз обе