~【3日連続投稿第3弾】ダブルラリアット 踊ってみた【はーみおど×GUみずき】 720 x 1280 sm38076692

\ Even in January, the dancer’s passion was warm / Hello. Two fierce men who participated in Hokkaido Chilpaoff from Kyushu last year () Fear. And kuu. Are too fans to “deliver their passion to a radius of about 1500km“. I want to dance with the people of Hokkaido again ... It was fun last year’s chilpa off sm36220207 Thank you everyone for being really kind 本家様【nm6049209】 振付本家様【sm9540818】 Hamiodo (Fear. Those who are doing it): “I want to meet everyone in Hokkaido, but I want to eat more lamb shabu (eating)“ GU Mizuki (who is doing kuu.): Https:// “I was reluctant to go to a place that was 30 minutes away, but now I feel like I can run around in Japan. See you all again “ 第1弾→sm38076632 第2弾→sm38076661 GUみずき 01/11/2021 14:00 Views 240
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