SIDETRACKED / figuring out my recording setup / eurorack

I got sidetracked so much the last few weeks trying to figure out a better way to record signals from the modular. It’s not at all straightforward. Here I recorded the bass onto a seperate channel to get the ’oomph’ back into it with some nice pre-amp plugin... sounds like a good fix right? But now I can’t run it through the sidechain compression which means I can’t hear how the track SHOULD sound when tracking it. SMH. After recording this video I’ve adopted the ’outboard mixer road’ completely. It’s a hell of a mess of cables but the flexibility of an outboard desk with 3 stereo outs and 6 aux sends is hard to beat. The mixer I have has a great sound to it as well and after a lot of consideration I realised creating an environment for making music and sounds should always primarily be based on sound rather than practicality (even though both matter and it sometimes is a difficult balance).
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