Курс по Data Science на Stepik:
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Список задач:
0:13:30 Palindrome Number (divmod)
0:19:21 Contains Duplicate (hash)
0:21:42 Remove Linked List Elements (linked list)
0:33:54 Counting Bits (bitwise)
0:42:14 Unique Email Addresses (hash)
0:47:24 Maximum Average Subarray I (sliding window)
1:00:36 Move Zeroes (two pointers)
1:08:31 Valid Perfect Square (binary search)
1:17:13 Add Digits (divmod)
1:24:06 Student Attendance Record I (string)
1:30:18 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal (tree)
1:40:40 Is Subsequence (stack)
1:47:17 Symmetric Tree (tree)
2:17:30 Plus One (divmod)
2:23:56 Meeting Rooms (sorting)
2:33:45 Middle of the Linked List (linked list)
2:40:16 Check If N and Its Double Exist (hash)
2:46:11 N-th Tribonacci Number (dp)
2:52:58 Binary Search (binary search)
2:56:28 Pascal’s Triangle (dp)
3:01:11 Single Number (bitwise)
3:05:48 Peak Index in a Mountain Array (binary search)
3:19:21 Valid Palindrome (two pointers)
3:26:55 Reverse String (two pointers)
3:30:58 Sqrt(x) (binary search)
3:58:46 Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits (math)
4:02:33 Find the Difference (hash)
4:07:34 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String (stack)
4:16:28 Reverse Words in a String III (two pointers)
4:20:36 First Bad Version (binary search)
4:26:00 Guess Number Higher or Lower (binary search)
4:31:21 Search Insert Position (binary search)
4:33:52 Power of Four (math)
4:38:37 Valid Anagram (hash)
4:40:01 Can Place Flowers (array)
4:47:02 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (tree)
4:56:08 Backspace String Compare (stack)
5:00:13 Linked List Cycle (linked list)
5:07:32 Power of Two (math)
5:10:20 Reverse Linked List (linked list)
5:18:43 Hamming Distance (bitwise)
5:22:24 Missing Number (hash)
5:26:06 Binary Tree Paths (tree)
5:33:15 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree (tree)
5:42:28 Merge Two Binary Trees (tree)
5:58:00 Flipping an Image (two pointers)
6:06:36 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted (two pointers)
6:11:40 Verifying an Alien Dictionary (hash)
6:35:56 Valid Mountain Array (array)
6:46:17 Roman to Integer (math)
6:57:20 License Key Formatting (string)
7:10:11 Assign Cookies (sorting)
7:21:07 Majority Element (hash)
7:23:55 Same Tree (tree)
7:28:22 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (tree)
7:34:12 Summary Ranges (array)
7:48:50 Delete Node in a Linked List (linked list)
7:52:57 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies (array)
7:57:02 Reverse Vowels of a String (two pointers)
8:01:27 Sum of Left Leaves (tree)
8:06:10 Add Binary (divmod)
8:11:58 Longest Palindrome (hash)
8:32:36 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (tree)
8:35:30 Length of Last Word (string)
8:48:28 Max Consecutive Ones (dp)
8:53:50 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence (array)
9:00:29 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (two pointers)
9:10:05 Running Sum of 1d Array (array)
9:11:22 Isomorphic Strings (hash)
9:19:06 Intersection of Two Arrays (hash)
9:22:28 Contains Duplicate II (sliding window)
9:32:21 Merge Two Sorted Lists (linked list)
9:37:29 Longest Common Prefix (string)
9:47:16 Two Sum (hash)
9:48:49 Valid Parentheses (stack)
9:54:34 Search in a Binary Search Tree (tree)
9:58:31 Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer (linked list)
10:10:23 Number of 1 Bits (bitwise)
10:11:42 Range Sum of BST (tree)
10:17:30 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (tree)
10:19:24 Sort Array By Parity (two pointers)
10:22:18 Monotonic Array (array)
10:25:47 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST (tree)
10:30:25 Average of Levels in Binary Tree (tree)
10:33:44 Remove Element (two pointers)
11:02:22 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array (hash)
11:03:49 Implement strStr() (string)
11:09:41 Invert Binary Tree (tree)
11:15:34 Closest Binary Search Tree Value (tree)
11:22:35 Squares of a Sorted Array (two pointers)
11:25:48 Jewels and Stones (hash)
11:27:09 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (linked list)
11:33:27 First Unique Character in a String (hash)
11:35:29 Ransom Note (hash)
11:40:49 Fizz Buzz (math)
11:43:28 Fibonacci Number (dp)
11:44:52 Detect Capital (string)
LeetCode Python алгоритмы структуры данных algorithms data structures stack queue deque binary tree recursion очередь стэк бинарное дерево depth first search breadth first search поиск в глубины поиск в ширину linked list связный список плавающее окно dynamic programming dp динамическое программирование hashtable hashset хеш-таблица битовые операторы битовый сдвиг мемоизация memoization два указателя сортировка бинарный поиск интервью собеседование faang maang программирование
1 view
1 year ago 11:52:17 1
LeetCode Марафон Easy (100 задач)
2 years ago 00:07:24 8
Leetcode: problem Sum Two - Литкод: Сумма двух. Найти два элемента, чья сумма дает нужное значение