~【3年後にもう一度】ピースサイン 踊ってみた 【りらむ】 - Niconico Video sm38222586

“once again“ (I shot during a time when there were few people. I wear a mask in situations other than shooting. Thank you for your understanding.) The first video in February is Peace Sign! This is the work I made into a video when I started dancing three years ago. I couldn’t watch it on YouTube because of copyright, so I made it into a video again. なちゅみとまた2人で踊りたい ・楽曲本家様: ・使用音源様:sm31728175 ・振付本家様:sm33114669 【りらむのSNS】 ☆Twitter( ) ☆YouTube( ) ☆ニコニコ動画( ) ☆インスタ( ) ☆TikTok( ) コメント・マイリス・いいね&フォローよろしくお願いします꒰⌯͒•·̫•⌯͒꒱ りらむ 02/04/2021 18:18 Views 308
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