Particle Logo Reveal Animation Tutorial After Effects | Particle Text Animation | Particular
In this tutorial I show you how to create Particle Logo Reveal Animation in After Effects using Trapcode Particular plugin. You can create really awesome and creative Particle Reveal Animations with Logos or Text using this simple method. I show you step by step how to easily create Particle Reveals for your Logos & Text. You can create cool Intros for your YouTube Channel using the method shown in this tutorial. Particles are very popular in Motion Graphics and Motion Design, as well as in Filmmaking and video editing. We will use a mixture of simple effects in After Effects in order to create a good looking Particle Logo Reveal animation. You will also get a general knowledge of using effects and keyframes, as well as masks in After Effects. After watching this video you will be able to create your own custom Particle Logo & Text Reveal Animations for yourself.
00:00 Intro
00:06 Preparing Layers
00:48 Creating Particles
03:38 Finalizing Touc
5 months ago 00:06:04 1
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