Sadhguru at United Nations: Yoga – The Power of Inclusion

Sadhguru was at the UN Assembly Hall, Geneva, on June 27, 2019, in conversation with Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization, and Francis Gurry, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization. 00:00 Session Starts 6:52 How do you encourage the youth to grow up with a sense of inclusivity ? Can yoga show us the way ? 16:53 Should policy makers be aware of the overall impact of their decisions and not just their immediate surroundings ? 27:39 How can the new technologies enable a meaningful future for the humankind ? 36:20 How can we ensure the benefits outweigh the pitfalls of the new technologies ? 40:26 How can we include yoga and traditional medicine into the primary healthcare being proposed by many govts. ? 55:26 There is a growing trend that vaccines are not safe for children. How should the parents be made more aware of vaccines ? 1:06:19 Is world getting more or less inclusive with so many govts. constructing walls and closin
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