170123 SpeXial Wayne 偉晉 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram

樂園亂入二人組 @sam_spexial 只敢玩幼幼班等級的設施就算了 還 孬到放聲吶喊對方名字 孬到牽手哈哈哈哈哈牽屁 @rileyxking 掰 而且小朋友都輸我們的叫聲 超 鬧 🎢🎠🎡🏰 Duo amusement park crashers It’s alright if we only dare to play the kiddy rides But We were so scared that we were shouting each other’s name loudly So scared that we were holding hands hahahahaha why were we even holding hands Bye Furthermore the kids even lose to our shouts Really Crazy 🎢🎠🎡🏰
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