3D Tracking & Compositing Tutorial (After Effects & Cinema 4D) - Sean Frangella

In this Cinema 4D Motion Tracking Tutorial, learn how to 3D motion track a moving camera shot, send tracking information to Cinema 4D for 3D tracking, composite any 3D model or element into the shot, combine the footage and C4D file in After Effects using Cineware, light and texture the 3D model, and add final compositing techniques including color correction, environment reflections, and a shadow pass to create realistic shadows and lighting. This Cinema 4D tracking and compositing tutorial also covers tips and tricks for working in Cinema 4D R16 and Cinema 4D lights. Be sure to check out the new product, 360° Environment Maps Pro for Cinema 4D, Cinema 4D Lite, and Element 3D in the online store: With 360° Environment Maps Pro, you can get new environments for your Cinema 4D & Element 3D Projects. Check it out for Cinema 4D / C4D Lite: Check it out for Element 3D for AE: Be sure to check out
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