Let’s build a StuG IV Tank Destroyer (Rye Field 1/35) full build
This step by step full build video is about how I built my Rye Field Model Sturmgeschütz 4 in 1/35th scale, and pimp it with different scale model techniques, interesting stuff and ideas.
This german scale model tank is one of my most complex tank model I ever built. Part of this video is removing casted welds with a scribing tool and create custom weld beads and tarps with green stuff, applying amored texture using Tamiya Basic Putty and plastic cement and using photo etched parts. Soldering PE parts is also part of this list. I got many inspiration for techniques and materials from the one and only Uncle Nightshift.
The used plastic kit here is the 1:35 RM-5060 Sturmgeschutz and the matching Upgrade Set RM-2025 with pe and 3d printed parts
I also used 3d printed tracks and some additional printed german infantry equipment.
I hope this step by step guide is helpfull for one or two of you and I can show some techniques for beginners and veterans. Please let me know what you think about it. I would love to read your feedback and cronstuctive criticism. And if you liked what you saw, please consider supporting me by subscribing.
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Hier findet Ihr den Podcast wenn Ihr neugierig geworden seid, oder (fast) überall wo es Podcasts gibt:
00:00 intro
00:34 basic build of the lower hull RM-5060
05:01 removing welds with a scribing tool & creating custom weld beads with green stuff
03:00 building an painting a Maybach engine
06:57 armoured texture with Tamiya Basic Putty
08:06 bending, soldering and building photo etched parts
16:33 making custom handles with a bending tool
20:56 creating tarps from green stuff
22:38 assembling 3d printed tracks by tankbrusher
24:16 adding last details and equipment by faustus models and Dynamo Models figures
24:45 final presentation
1/35 scale model tank
1/35 tank
1/35 stug
model tank building
sdkfz 167
Sturmgeschütz 4 IV
Stug life
1/35 stug iv
German Tank
Tank model building
Tank model kit build
build model tank
building tank model
building model tanks
building scale model tanks
making model tanks
how to build model tank
armor modeling
armored model
armoured model
armour modeling
tank destroyer
tamiya plastic cement
tamiya thin cement
tamiya basic putty
green stuff two part epoxy putty
Dynamo Models 35055 WSS stug crew
step by step full build video
model tank building
SdKFZ 167
Scale Model
model kit
plastic model
model building
resin tracks
step by step tutorial
armoured texture
weld seams
styrene sheet
AK Interactive
Ammo Mig
ww2 tank
#tankmodel #germantank #ryefield #scalemodel #photoetched #tankdestroyer #scalemodeling #scalemodel #tamiya #ww2model #modelkit #miniart #tutorial