How Gilgamesh Met Enkidu

What you hear me singing in this video, are lines 135 through 229 from THE BABYLONIAN GILGAMESH EPIC (Pennsylvania cuneiform Tablet OB II) which tell the story of the first meeting between Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, and the wild man called Enkidu. Although the Babylonians wrote this down nearly 4000 years ago, the tale was taken from Sumer, a much older culture that preceded the Babylonians in southern Mesopotamia. It is possible that Gilgamesh was a real, historical Sumerian king who ruled in Uruk some 5000 years ago. For those who are interested, a pdf of THE BABYLONIAN GILGAMESH EPIC as translated and transliterated by Andrew R. George, can be downloaded from the following URL. Babylonian Gilgamesh ? While we do know what sort of musical instruments were used in ancient Mesopotamia, neither the Sumerians nor the Babylonians had a system of notation, so we do not know what their music sounded like. These cultures were brilliantl
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