Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus in Picatrix

What is the role of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus in Picatrix? Can we really call the Picatrix “Hermetic?“ This video examines all instances of Hermes’ presence in the Latin Picatrix, the medieval treatise of astral magic, and attempts to answer this question from three different perspectives. #magic #astrology #history #religiousstudies #hermetica #hermeticism #esotericism Support The Modern Hermeticist - - Picatrix: A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic (PSU Press, 2019) ​(affiliate link) - Marsilio Ficino: On the Christian Religion (UTP, 2022) (affiliate link) - PayPal tip jar: - BTC: 3P8BmGE5UNJ8nehxkaq9MtDcY6EavQhTjN
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