Radiation shielded GoPro sent through electron beam irradiator GOPR0057 3,6mev7ma
Radiation shielded Gopro Hero 3 Silver sent through electron beam irradiator. Looking directly up off of a 45 degree stainless mirror at 3/4“ thick acrylic plate and 1000rem (10Sv) dosimeter sticker on bottom of plate as they pass under the irradiation beam. Note how fast the dosimeter turns black as it nears the beam. It is fully black even before it passes under the beam. This is due to electron bremsstrahlung from the electron beam hitting the carts. The acrylic continuously discharges as it passes under the beam due to the rough cut edges. GoPro is enclosed in a 1/4“ thick lead box with a 1“ thick, 50% lead glass window. Additionally there is a 1/4“ thick lead plate above the camera box to provide shielding from direct irradiation from the beam.
9 years ago 00:02:14 12
Radiation shielded GoPro sent through electron beam irradiator GOPR0057 3,6mev7ma
10 years ago 00:02:13 18
Radiation shielded GoPro sent through electron beam irradiator GOPR0055 2,5mev6ma
9 years ago 00:02:16 1
Radiation shielded GoPro / electron beam irradiator 2015 GOPR0103