brutal uchi mawashi Geri knockout #kyokushin #shorts #karate
Welcome to the official Kyokushin Karate YouTube channel, where we are committed to promoting the traditional values and techniques of Kyokushin Karate, a full-contact martial art that originated in Japan and has since spread to over 120 countries worldwide. Our channel offers a diverse range of videos showcasing Kyokushin Karate demonstrations, training tips, sparring sessions, and much more. Whether you’re a beginner seeking to learn more about this thrilling martial art or a seasoned practitioner striving to enhance your skills, we have something for everyone. Join our Kyokushin Karate community today by subscribing to our channel.
To stay up-to-date on our latest content and connect with us on social media, follow us on Instagram at @kyokushinway and check out our TikTok account at @kyokushinway, where we use the hashtags #kyokushinway, #shorts, and #karate. You can also become a member of our channel by visiting Welcome to the offi
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brutal uchi mawashi Geri knockout #kyokushin #shorts #karate
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