Dragon Display Tutorial

im about to show u a display called dragon display i came up with.. i hope u like it and feel free to drop some comments inspired by my bro, olmobern ellusionist illusionions revealed david copperfield david blaine daniel garcia justin miller magic tricks underground trick amazing card cards criss angel walk on water andy ooandeoo free magic school theory11 penguin magic toasted by impossible color change ed marlo mercury loops haunted deck ninja 1 2 ultra gaff factory sealed bullet coin through bottle electric touch celebracadabra vh1 hover card revolution coin vanish how to do street magic... black tiger ghost warning wiregrams slam coinbite m5 system kinds rising levitation shadow masters hummer card axis change third degree burn dream of aces rising deck army of 52 blizzard jim paces the web kaos card through window nathan kranzo stigmata wayne houchin torn dvd warp one forcing deck mind bender royal road to card magic 5 dvd set viper deck stained skin strange r
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