MAGMA - Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh (20th anniversary, La Cigale, Paris, 1990-02-22) - remaster
00:00 - credits -
01:44 Hortz fur dëhn Štëkëhn Ẁešt
12:14 Ïmah süri Dondaï
17:32 Kobaïa iss dëh hündïn
19:41 Da Zeuhl Ẁortz Mëkanïk
26:56 Nëbëhr Gudahtt (avec le passage du ‘largage des cloches’)
36:51 Mëkanïk Kömmandöh
40:10 Kreühn Köhrmahn iss dëh hündïn
43:18 Da Zeuhl Ẁortz ẁaïnsaht (hymne de la Zeuhl Ẁortz)
44:54 - credits - (Mekanïk Kommandöh edit)
One of my favorite versions of MDK, the 1990 20th anniversary celebration performance, is an immaculate and powerful version, perfected to every minute detail and executed with precision that only Magma is capable of delivering. For me, this is one of peak Magma moments, which is a bold statement, considering this is a post-hiatus performance. The Nëbëhr Gudahtt section goes absolutely wild with the “largage des cloches“ passage, that develops (in my humble opinion) into one of the most cacophonic, chaotic and loudest segments Magma ever performed live - most probably inspired by Christian’s fascination with the bells. Klaus’ singing and stage presence is simply unmatched, displayed in his comfortable and relaxed yet highly energetic and charismatic performance, topped only by Stella’s angelic finale. Christian’s drumming needs absolutely no elaboration, simply give it a listen and let this epic execution of a masterpiece take you over. Apparently, per attendees’ accounts, the audience was extatic, the music from the PA and the audience feet-stomping, screams and applause were so loud that la Cigale neighbors contacted authorities and tried to (unsuccesfully) terminate the concert.
For this homemade remaster, I used the FM RTL stereo master, as the best audio source available to replace the audio of the VHS source of an unknown audience bootleg recording. Minimal intervention was done to the footage and audio, just enough to make it a bit more pleasurable to watch and listen than the source material and the audio FM master needed a pitch and oscilation correction.
I hope you enjoy this magnificent performance of this incomparable piece of music. The remaster is uploaded purely for it’s historic value, fans’ pleasure and is not monetized. If Seventh records, Magma or any other authority objects, I can remove the upload.
Mëkanïk Dëstruktïẁ Kömmandöh
20th anniversary celebration
Paris, la Cigale, 22-02-1990
Christian Vander - vocals, drums
Stella & Julie Vander, Isabelle Feuillebois, Addie Déat, Klaus Blasquiz - vocals
Jean-François Déat - vocals, keyboards
Frank Vedel - guitar
Emmanuel Borghi, Pierre-Michel Sivadier - keyboards
Marc Eliard - bass
Philippe Dardelle - double bass
Jean-Marc Duroure - double bass
audio source:
EX FM stereo master (’Live’ program complete broadcast with DJ on RTL french radio station)
lineage: Quad FM3 tuner - Nakamichi Dragon (with NAAC auto-azimuth) Dolby off (now dead) - Agfa C-DX II type II cassette - Nakamichi CR1-E (azimuth manually adjusted) for playback - Zoom H2 - Goldwave for edits, balance, maximization at 90% - TLH (build 160) - FLAC level 8 align on sector boundaries
(Recorded, digitized and prepared by finkployd49 in September 2022.)
video source:
unknown VHS source (if you know the taper or lineage, please let me know)
sound and image merged and edited by Sïna Nëmëhsïn:
audio - speed and pitch correction, edit (three gaps in FM master audio replaced with the VHS audio source), EQ, stereoexpander, limiter
video - HD upscaling, levels, median (to reduce faulty deinterlacing from VHS capture), HLS (to reduce lightness and red channel glow)
Thanks to mr. Shigetoshi Miyamoto, Ali-J and Sandra Pixie
July, 2024.
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