Vesperhymnus zu Christ Geburt (In Natali Domini),
aufgenommen in der Stiftskirche St. Mauritius und St. Victor in Bassum.
Ein sangbare englische Übertragung lautet:
Jesu, the Father’s only Son,
Whose death for all redemption won;
Before the worlds of God most high
Begotten all ineffably.
The Father’s light and splendor Thou,
Their endless hope to Thee that bow;
Accept the prayers and praise today
That through the world Thy servants pray.
Salvation’s author, call to mind
How, taking form of humankind,
Born of a virgin undefiled,
Thou in man’s flesh becam’st a child.
Thus testifies the pr
...esent day,
Through every year in long array,
That Thou, salvation’s source alone,
Proceedest from the Father’s throne.
Whence sky, and stars, and sea’s abyss,
And earth, and all that therein is,
Shall still, with laud and carol meet,
The Author of Thine advent greet.
And we who, by Thy precious blood
From sin redeemed, areShow more