Bistella 500 | Double Radial 10 Cylinder Two Stroke Engine Review custom project | 2021
500cc two stroke 10 cylinder double radial engine czech jawa perak custom best exhaust sound best custom project 2021 2022 review and comparsion
2*(5*50cc) 500cc two stroke power! radial two stroke engine czech gold hand made
Bistella 500cc - Two Stroke radial engine sound
Bistella 500 Tech data
Base motorcycle: Jawa 18 (*1953)
Displacement: 10 x 50cc = 500ccm
Power: now limited to 60hp/6500 rpm---Calculated capability 120hp/10000 rpm--- Road legal setup is 12hp (safety reasons)
Gearbox: 4speed semi-automatic
Max speed: 220 kmh (only calculated, I don’t recommend to try) in Road legal setup 100kmh
Layout: Radial double-row two-stroke
Aspiration: Supercharged (5x roots blower)
Weight: 155 kg
Suspension/ brakes: Friction silencers and drum brakes all stock (CZ government requirement can´t mess with those if I want to stay road legal)
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1 year ago 00:08:31 10
🔥 Bistella 500 - 10 Цилиндровая Jawa ! Это Надо Видеть 😲!!!
2 years ago 00:09:41 1
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