Lappeenranta Big Band at Imatra Big Band Festival 2009 Joaquín Hernández

Cond. Jani Pola sax. Sille Kosonen (lead as), Mari Alatalo (as 2), Reima Pekkonen (ts 1), Petri Suikki (ts 2), Pauli Niiranen (ts 2), Kati Näppäri (bs) tromb. Vladimir Sgurev (lead), Santtu Penttilä, Pultti Saarnia (bass), Jussi Kosonen trp. Sami Heinilä (lead), Joel Vuohelainen, Jatta Sederholm, Lauri Vilkko guit. Jarkko Palokas bass. Topi Penttilä drums. Seppo Penttilä Ready, Steady, Go What Kind of Fool am I Come Fly with Me They Can’t Take That Away from Me Jump R
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