Crews of T-90M Proryv tanks of the Ulyanovsk paratroopers destroyed a stronghold with Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel on the ri

Crews of T-90M Proryv tanks of the Ulyanovsk paratroopers destroyed a stronghold with Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel on the right bank of the Dnieper Tank crews of the Ulyanovsk Guards Airborne Forces unit from the Dnepr group of forces daily destroy fortified areas, manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the right bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region. Tankers operate both direct fire at the front and from closed firing positions, hiding behind terrain or from cover. This allows them to remain unnoticed, while at the same time being able to deliver effective fire damage to the enemy on the opposite bank of the river. Crews of T-90M Proryv tanks launched attacks from closed firing positions on a Ukrainian Armed Forces stronghold located on the outskirts of one of the populated areas on the right bank. The tank crews fired shells at the enemy from a distance of more than five kilometers. The precise shots caused fire damage to the Ukrainian Armed Forces personne... Source: Military Wave
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