Muslim woman storms into church shouting ’Allahu Akbar’ and ’I am here to kill the God of the Jews’

“This woman is not representative of all Muslims in Islington surely, so it would be good to recognise, when points of fact are being stated, that actually this is unacceptable and not conducive to the cohesion in our community.“ The Metropolitan Police were urgently called to The Angel Church in Islington, London, on Sunday 1 September after a Muslim woman stormed the building screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘I am here to kill the God of the Jews’. Inside the church, Pastor Regan King and his Jewish wife and young children were preparing for morning worship when the woman entered shouting Isla...mic calls to prayer in Arabic and directly addressing and reaching out to the children. Pastor King demanded that she leave the building, but instead her aggression continued to escalate. For putting out the church’s statement about the incident, Pastor King was accused of lying and ‘fanning hatred’ by Muslims in the community, and was suspended by a community Facebook group. Meanwhile, l
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