[ADAview] Celebrating Springtime 春を謳う - W120cm Aquarium Layout -【EN/JP Sub.】

For your purchase, please contact local ADA retailers. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: created by Yusuke Homma When the snowy long monochrome world ends, mountains in Niigata instantly show signs of spring and start creating beautiful scenes with colorful fresh greenery. I planted a wide variety of stem plants as having such spring mountains with fresh greenery as a motif. There are so many expressions of nature that we notice only when we go out to the fields, such as a beautiful cluster of trees we see and beautiful contrasts that other trees create in the cluster. Such small discoveries are utilized in the expression of this aquascape. 雪深く長いモノクロームの世界が終わりを告げると、新潟の山肌は一気に春めき色とりどりの新緑が美しい景色をつくり上げる。 そんな春の新緑の山肌をモチーフに、さまざまな有茎草を配植した。 山々で見かける樹木の群生美と、その中に点在する他の木々の美しいコントラストなど、フィールドに出てこそ気づく自然の表情は実に多い。 そんな小さな発見
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