A partial lunar eclipse will be visible in Hong Kong in the early hours of 29 October this year. The entire partial lunar eclipse will last for about 1 hour and 19 minutes. The maximum eclipse magnitude is , which means about 12.8% of the Moon’s diameter will enter the Earth’s umbra in maximum. The Hong Kong Space Museum will live webcast the images of the Moon and the process of lunar eclipse on 29 October at 2am - 5am.
Live time: 2am - 5am, 29/10/2023
Welcome to share, please credit: Hong Kong Space Museum
畫面參考 Image Reference:
2021年5月26日月全食影像 Image of Total Lunar Eclipse on 26 May 2021
2022年11月8日月全食暨月掩天王星純影像 Image of Total Lunar Eclipse cum Lunar Occultation of Uranus on 8 Nov 2022
If the Moon is invisible due to cloud cover, the following sentence will be shown:
The Moon is blocked by clouds
More Info:
香港時間 月球高度(度) 月球方位角(度) 過程
HKT Moon’s Altitude (degrees) Moon’s Azimuth (degrees) Stage
01:59 60 258 半影食始 Penumbra eclipse begins
03:35 39 270 初虧 Partial eclipse begins
04:14 30 274 食甚 Maximum eclipse
04:54 21 277 復圓 Partial eclipse ends
06:26 - 日出 Sunrise
06:29 1 285 半影食終 Penumbral eclipse ends
06:34 - 月落 Moonset
1 view
1 year ago 00:00:00 1
月偏食影像直播 Image Webcast of Partial Lunar Eclipse
8 years ago 05:36:53 5
Lunar Eclipse Live in Hong Kong on 7-8/8/2017 香港月偏食直播