Guide Sheras motivation for taking away Wang Weiguangs sleeping bag

At the altitude 7100 meters Camp 3 on Everest, my guide Shera took away my sleeping bag and lead to me overnight in the very cold, causing severe frostbite on my left foot. What were the causes and consequences? The shocking experience will be revealed in the video. #abandonedbyguideonEverest #AbandonedonEverest #EverestClimbing #SnowMountainClimbing #MountainClimbing #Extremesports #Xsports #climbers #Outdoorsports #Outdoor #mountaineering #mountaineer #alpinist #trekking #altitude #motivationofguide #OutdoorAdventures #ClimbingEverestin2024 #Asiantrekking #Dawa #oxygencylinderleaking
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