Anti-war pickets outside White House/President Roosevelt addresses meeting and declares un...(1941)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit USA: Anti-war pickets outside White House. Roosevelt addresses meeting. Roosevelt declares unlimited emergency. Charles Lindbergh /? Full Description: USA: Washington D.C., The White House EXT GV White house, pickets picketing. CU banner “Keep the light of peace burning.“ SV Picket with flag, pickets with banners following. CU banner “No Convoys.“ SV Picket picketing against pickets. SV banner “Americans are against subversive organizations,“picketing White House, more banners behind. SV banner “We Americans protest Communists picketing the White House,“ more banners behind. INT SV President F.D. Roosevelt writing in note book. SBV Roosevelt writing in note book. GV Charles Lindbergh on platform mass of crowd around. SV Ann Lindbergh. LV Lindbergh speaks. GV pan crowd applauding INT. SV man emptying letters from mail bags. CU sorting letters. CU letter addressed to
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