「ロックマンX DiVE」Rockman X DiVE — Chapter 16 (Cut-scenes) JP

Well, all I can say here is that localization is more straight-forward than the original, but also more cryptic at the same time. It depends were you look, but both scripts are pretty much the same. My theory was right about iCO being a piece that got separated from RiCO, making the latter lose one of her primal abilities of Deleted Data Restoration (not official name). Since RiCO is not full without iCO as a part of her, she is considered as Irregular Data by the system and she needs to get deleted like anyone else OR get restored through Data Correction that Player-san possesses. Also Vi...A mentioned “them“ as the reason why he never told RiCO and Player that the former is not normal and needs to be correcred or deleted. In Japanese script, that “them“ was written as ヤツら. This mostly gets written in hirigana, not katakana. Which meants “them“ is a new term and “them“ are someone we are yet to see. My bit is for a duo of Lumine and Master Albert because none of them are even mentioned in the game and both had somehow similar goals. But it also can be HEAVEN (Elysium) because of the way they moderate the entire Earth and its second satilite where humans used to live before... all of them died. Personally, I would like to see this world’s Cache. This can be pretty rad.
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