Mazarini and Paradox : Play With Soul

Mazarini’s youtube channel subscribe to him for making this amazing movie! Click here to find out more about this movie, and for download links. Watch this it in HD(720p) or just download the fullmovie from BB site to have the full experience, if you are one of those who waited over 1 and half years for this movie a few hours to download 900mb wont hurt. There are many effects and lightning which are not very clear when watching in low quality on YT (360p and 480p). Anyways enjoy. This is by far the best Cod4 movie Ive ever seen! Song list 00:03-00:26 Edith Piaf - Non Je ne Regrette Ri...en 00:27-02:44 Infected Mushroom - Saeed 02:44-02:58 Infected Mushroom - Cant Stop 02:59-03:09 Infected Mushroom - Poquito Mas 03:10-05:17 Kubrak vs. Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack 05:17-06:26 Matrix and Futurebound - All Born Angels 06:26-07:4
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