秦瑜x吴瑶 (Qin Yu & Wu Yao) - Moonlight Thoughts (Ji Ming Yue/#寄明月) (Golden Bad

#秦瑜x#吴瑶 (#QinYu & #WuYao) - #MoonlightThoughts (#JiMingYue/#寄明月) (Golden Bad Days Riptide #Remix) (feat. #许诗茵 (#XuShiyin), #PatrickStump from #FallOutBoy, #OhTheLarceny, #TheScore) #SendtheMoon Do you still remember how many Mid-Autumn Festivals “Moonlight Thoughts“ has accompanied you through? I remember, it was the seventh one. I also remember Wu Yao I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and I also wish us a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 🎑 BGM: “ Moonlight Thoughts“ (Ji Ming Yue/寄明月) - #SING女团 (#SINGGirls) (Xu Shiyin, Qin Yu, Wu Yao) feat. Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy, Oh The L...arceny, The Score Contains: Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy - Sunshine Riptide Oh The Larceny - The Future Is Goiden The Score - Bad Days #SuperImpassi
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