LG 4Kx4K micro OLED “World’s Best micro OLED“ at Diplay Week 2024, Top VR, Light Field micro Display

At Display Week 2024, LG unveiled what they claim to be the “world’s best micro OLED display.“ Kim, representing EDG Display, presented this groundbreaking technology, boasting impressive specifications. The micro OLED features a resolution of 4K by 4K, with a field of view reaching up to 90°. Kim mentioned the potential to expand the field of view beyond 120° but highlighted concerns about distortion, indicating a focus on maintaining sharpness. With a brightness of 10,000 nits, the display promises vivid visuals, consistent across all panels. Kim emphasized that the display utilizes OLED on Silicon (OLOS) technology, ensuring a perfect display without any dead pixels. Primarily designed for VR applications, the micro OLED’s specifications surpass those of competitors like Apple’s Vision Pro, boasting over 4,000 PPI, double the brightness, and superior color accuracy. However, Kim remained cautious about declaring it the unequivocal best, acknowledging the challenges in co
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