Manfrotto 635 & 645 Fast Tripods Review

Back in mid-2020, we got a pair of new video tripods and video heads from Manfrotto. This review will cover the two legs, and in an upcoming video, we are going to dive deep into the heads and how they perform. The two legs that we received are the Manfrotto 635 & 645 Fast, and they represent a new generation of tripods that are designed to be simpler and quicker to operate, and this is exactly what we shall be testing in this review. Buy the Manfrotto 635 - Buy the Manfrotto 645 - Buy the Manfrotto 645 (ALU) Manfrotto 504X Fluid Video Head bag - But the Manfrotto 028B - Two minor corrections to the video: 1. The 645 also compatible with a 100mm but also 75mm bowl (our unit came with the 75mm adapter already installed). 2. The 645 weighs (not as we wrote on the screen). You can read the full review on :
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