Yasuko Kimura Soke - Tendo Ryu Sogobujutsu [Interview Part 1/2 - EN/FR/JA]
WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Click on CC to display
Today, we interview Kimura Yasuko Sensei, 17th Grand Master of the school. She teaches Tendo Ryu and Atarashii Naginata in several schools and to her own classes.
Together, we tackled various topics, such as the school’s evolution throughout history and what it represents as an ancient Bujutsu, as well as what it symbolizes at the present time.
0:00 - Introduction
1:35 - What is Naginata, as a weapon and as a Kobudo?
2:04 - Is Tendo Ryu only about Naginata-jutsu?
2:26 - Why is the school called Tendo Ryu Naginata-jutsu while in fact, it is a Sogobujutsu?
3:35 - [...] could you specify the writing difference between Atarashii Naginata and the Kobudo version?
4:10 - What’s the difference between Naginata(do), or Atarashii Naginata, considered a Budo, and Tendo Ryu Naginata-jutsu, considered a Kobudo?
5:17 - Since you teach both, could you explain the relation between Atarashii Naginata and Tendo Ryu Naginata-jutsu?
6:17- Are both practices similar?
6:45 - So, you master and teach both arts?
7:01 - Is Tendo Ryu taught in Atarashii Naginata?
7:37 - Although Naginata was wielded by men on the battlefield, it is now mainly practiced by women. Why is that?
9:00 - How did Naginata become ’the’ iconic martial arts taught to women in schools?
9:48 - Does that mean that Naginata practice has changed? What is different and why?
11:07 - Isn’t that strange that such a long and heavy weapon has been attributed to women?
13:30 - How many techniques are there in Tendo Ryu?
13:57 - Tendo Ryu is, originally, not only Naginata but also Kenjutsu and Kusarigama. Can you tell us more about the school’s history, teachings, and the importance of the Naginata today
14:23 - Are weapons independent from each other or are they linked into a single comprehensive system?
15:09 - Tendo Ryu Jo curriculum simulates a broken Naginata, but does it have any connection with other Jojutsu schools?
15:47 - I’ve also heard of Rhythm Naginata (*Kata with musical background). Is it popular and is there any connection with Tendo Ryu?
17:07 - Is it a practice in itself or just an addition to regular Naginata practice (Atarashii Naginata)?
17:29 - What is your opinion regarding “tradition (Kobudo) vs sport (AJNF competitive practice)”?
18:26 - [...] what is the main difference of spirit between practitioners of Atarashii Naginata and Naginata-jutsu?
19:05 - Are there people who want to learn only Tendo Ryu, but not Atarashii Naginata?
20:07 - Is training in Tendo Ryu useful for Atarashii Naginata practice?
20:54 - So, what would you say to Atarashii Naginata practitioners?
-- BOOKS --
BUDŌ Japanese Martial Arts:
Naginata. History and Practice:
Denkibo Saito(Public domain):
Gosannen War (PD):
Sports Day in Hamamatsu Girls High School (PD):
Retreat of Michitsuna-no-Haha (PD):
Samurai and retainers in 1870 (PD):
Fighting Monk (PD):
Samurai around 1880 (PD):
Ishi-jo wielding a naginata (PD):
The Inner Precincts at Chiyoda (PD):
Portrait of Mitamura Takeko (PD):
Statue of Tsukahara Bokuden (PD):
Musashi vs Bokuden (PD):
Rhythm Naginata:
All Japan Naginata 2014:
Director: Jordy Delage
Editing: Jordy Delage & Nicolas Nothum
Music: “Senbazuru“ - Kevin MacLeod () CC 3.0
Narrator: Brian Kamei
Camera: Jordy Delage & Nicolas Nothum
Translation & subtitles: Adrien Becam, Eriko Hoshi, Jordy Delage, Jean-François Rauch, Michael Prime
Special thanks to Alexander Bennett Kyoshi.
Chinese subtitles by Aikido Kogan ()
-- ABOUT US --
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#KimuraYasuko #TendoRyu #BudoStudies
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