Extreme Ghostbusters is an American animated television series, a follow-up to the animated series The Real Ghostbusters. It is a part of the Ghostbusters franchise. The series originally aired on the Syndicated BKN block in 1997, and features a team of younger college-level Ghostbusters who are led by veteran Ghostbuster Egon Spengler.[2] In some TV listings, the series was called Ghostbusters Dark.
“Ghostbusters“ is a song written by Ray Parker Jr. as the theme to the film of the same name, and included on the film’s soundtrack. Debuting at number 68 on June 16, 1984, the song peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on August 11, 1984, staying there for three weeks, and at number two on the UK Singles Chart on September 16, 1984, staying there for three weeks. The song re-entered the UK Top 75 on November 2, 2008, at No. 49 and again on November 5, 2021, at No. 38.
The song was nominated at the 57th Academy Awards for Best Original Song, but lost to Stevie Wonder’s &quo
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