Antoni Olbrychski Fiore longsword seminar April 28th 2024
Hosted by THMS in Turku. Second of a 2-day seminar on Fiore’s longsword and especially its application in modern longsword fencing.
Thanks to Anna Starck for her endurance in filming it all.
Shitty audio balance is all my fault. Be ready for quiet talking and loud clanging.
00:00 Intro
9:50 Pommel strike as riposte
11:28 Neck slice as remise from pommel strike
12:45 Grabbing the opponent’s blade if neck slice doesn’t work
15:15 Parry and hilt grab
18:05 Pushing back hilt or arms after crashing together
20:45 Overhook/arm wrap from backhand cover
22:45 Countering the arm wrap, ligadura sottana/kimura
24:45 Countering the arm wrap, neck slice
26:35 Fiore’s disarms, tor di spada soprana
31:04 Tor di spada mezana/sottana, or just wrap and smash
32:20 Advance in prep, cut around or direct thrust
33:50 Same but blind, touch only
35:24 Same plays but against opponent’s prep advance
37:15 Game, only thrusts to body or descending cuts to hands
39:55 Provoke cut-around with blade pressure, parry-riposte
43:06 Parry and forehand riposte against fleche attack
45:26 Same with movement
49:10 From boar’s tusk cut under hands, follow to deep target
51:15 Beat from boar’s tusk as prep for leg cut
54:33 Slip the leg, cut from above as counter
55:40 Leg cut threat as prep for countertime hand cut
59:40 Playing low guard vs high, thrust with opposition and hand cut
1:03:00 Playing low guard vs center, same tactical setup
1:05:24 Parry-riposte from shoulder, beat and same side, or hang and cut around
1:07:37 Playing shoulder vs shoulder, direct attack or parry-riposte
1:09:12 Intro, pt 2
1:17:50 Parry from iron gate, choose riposte or grapple based on contact
1:20:00 Choose your parry so you can get the riposte or grapple
1:21:50 Parrying to grapple, parry the remise if it happens
1:24:43 Blade grab, preventing opponent from also grabbing yours
1:28:30 Alternatives to blade grab when up close
1:30:35 Proactive bind and blade grab vs. point forward, parry if opponent attacks
1:33:25 Tor di spada soprana in gear
1:35:29 Game, head only in largo 1pt, free for all grapple 2pt, disarm 3pt
1:40:30 Judged sparring with assigned guards
1:44:15 Fencing footage, posta di donna vs. posta breve
1:49:00 Epilogue for the weekend
1:54:48 Sparring
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