cvs1 Monthly Tournament at Bigone 2nd 2021/05/09

**** プレイヤーに対する誹謗中傷コメントは禁止です。 No discrimination or bullying allowed. **** cvs1 Monthly Tournament at Bigone 2nd 2021/05/09. 00:00 9 players single elimination tournament. Bracket: Result: 1st Tobari 2nd Bas 3rd Tona **************** Upcoming event schedule. Friday night weekly casuals stream at Bigone 2nd(@public_bigone) 05/16 15:00JST Monthly Zero3 Tournament & Tower of Champioin (Restream) 05/23 15:00JST Monthly Vampire Savior Tournament / Singles (Restream) 06/05 15:00JST Monthly Super Turbo Tounament / Singles (Restream) 06/06 15:00JST Monthly Zero2 Tournament / Singles 06/13 15:00JST Monthy cvs1 & cvs2 Tournament / Singles Please follow my Twitter : @Ryo151 Twitch : ****************
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