Customer Journey for FCA Application Workshop Explainer Video

In This Video We will cover the Customer Journey Workshop and what is needed for the FCA Application. What is the “Customer Journey“? Understanding the customer journey is important to all firms, not just those who need to evidence to the regulator that they are treating customers fairly (T C F). To understand the journey you must map out the end to end process, this helps you to identify all customer touch points and understand the potential key risks along the way. Compliance COnsultant will help you by conducting the workshop and helping you with the following: 1. Representation of the Journey, a, Business Model, b, Screenshots, c Other graphical presentation methods. 2. Key Partners, a, outsourced partners, b, What activities NOT to outsource 3. Key Activities, a How to write them clearly. b, what happens if you fail to identify them all. 4. Key Resources, a, why it is important to demonstrate, b, 4 important categories to include, c, key resource pathways. 5
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