Wahhabis accuse the companions of SHIRK! [ENG SUBS] الوهابية يكفرون الصحابة
Wahhabis exposed declaring all muslims as kaffir even the companions
Scan of ibn tamiyyah making takfeer on the son of Umar ibnul khattab
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اتهام ابن تيمية الصحابة بالشرك
scan of ibn baz making takfeer on bilal ibnul harith almuzani
ابن باز يكفر الصحابي بلال بن الحارث المزني
شيخ الإسلام جميل حليم يفضح إبن تيمية والوهابية
Shaykh al-Islam Jameel Halim exposes how Ibn Taymiyyah and his shaytaan-wahhabi followers declare all Muslims as kuffar including the Companions of the Prophet !
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1 year ago 00:10:58 1
Wahhabis accuse the companions of SHIRK! [ENG SUBS] الوهابية يكفرون الصحابة