Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure that induces weight loss by restricting food intake. With this procedure, which is usually performed laparoscopically, the surgeon removes approximately 75 percent of the stomach. This results in the stomach taking on the shape of a tube or “sleeve“ which holds much less food. Although originally devised as the first stage of a two-stage procedure for superobese or high-risk patients, the sleeve gastrectomy is now commonly and successfully used as a destination procedure for weight loss in persons with BMI greater than 40. Statistically, the reported weight loss for this procedure ranges from 60% of the excess weight; better results are obtained with good adherence to dietary and behavioral guidelines. With smart food choices, regular exercise, and good eating habits, patients who have had a sleeve gastrectomy will enjoy and maintain good weight loss. Learn more here:
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