to Course!\
0:00 Course Orientation!
5:23 How to do this course
& Vectors\
8:22 Introduction
12:39 Vector STL - Demo
18:03 Vector of Vector - Demo
21:08 How to submit coding exercises
26:12 Pairs
35:53 Pairs Code
40:07 Triplets
48:39 Triplets Code
55:26 Mountain
1:02:53 Mountain Code
1:10:25 Longest Band
1:21:16 Longest Band Code
1:28:34 Rains
1:38:52 Rains Code
1:45:48 Subarray Sort
1:56:12 Subarray Sort Code
2:04:35 Minimum Swaps
2:13:54 Minimum Swaps Code
2:27:06 Strings Introduction
2:33:18 Searching Inside String!
2:38:34 Space20
2:41:53 Space20 Implementation
2:48:14 Tokenisation (using sstream)
2:52:57 Tokenisation (using strtok)
2:57:42 Designing our own String Tokeniser!
3:05:43 String Key Sort
3:14:50 String Key Sort Implementation
3:31:04 Check Subsets
3:35:13 Check Subsets Implementation
3:37:48 Sort Subsequences
3:42:59 Sort Subsequences Code
Window Problems\
3:48:12 Sliding Window Introduction
3:51:03 Housing (Two Pointer)
4:03:31 Housing Implementation
4:11:12 Unique Substring (Hashing)
4:20:33 Unique Substring Implementation
4:32:58 String Window
4:41:45 String Window Implementation
& Searching\
4:57:19 Merge Sort
5:01:48 Merge Sort Code
5:14:29 Inversion Count
5:28:15 Inversion Count Code
5:32:20 Quick Sort
5:42:32 Quick Sort Code
5:49:00 Quick Select
5:53:33 Quick Select Code
5:56:37 Smallest String
6:03:20 Smallest String Code
6:04:29 Sparse Search
6:10:52 Sparse Search Code
6:17:25 Binary Search - Recap!
6:21:23 Frequency Count
6:28:31 Frequency Count Code-I
6:31:36 Frequency Count Code-II
6:35:20 Rotated Search
6:43:59 Rotated Search Code
6:50:08 Finding Roots
6:59:58 Square Roots Code
7:06:23 Angry Birds
7:17:44 Angry Birds Code
7:27:46 Min Pairs
7:33:28 Min Pairs Code
7:38:54 Game of Greed Concept
7:47:14 Game of Greed Code
7:57:17 Solution - Game of Greed
8:07:20 Recursion Recap
8:12:59 Ladders Concept
8:21:02 Ladders Code
8:25:45 Subsequence Based Problems
8:30:58 Subset Sum to X
8:37:05 Subset Sum to X Code
8:39:48 Generate Brackets
8:46:44 Generate Brackets Code
8:53:35 Smart Keypad
8:57:20 Smart Keypad Code
9:04:30 Permutations
9:15:21 N-Queen Problem
9:27:15 N-Queen Code
9:43:14 N-Queen Code
9:59:12 Sudoku
10:09:52 Sudoku Code
Lists Problems\
10:28:22 Linked List Section Introduction
10:36:19 Warm Up - Creating a Linked List
10:43:19 Practice - Insertion in the Middle
10:47:39 Recursive Reverse a Linked List
10:53:49 Recursively Reverse a Linked List Code
10:56:53 Iterative Reverse
11:01:36 Iteratively Reverse a Linked List Code
11:03:52 K-Reverse a Linked List
11:07:42 K-Reverse Code
11:14:17 Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists
11:18:24 Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists Code
11:23:31 Runner Technique
11:25:03 Merge Sort on Linked List
11:29:39 Merge Sort Linked List Code
& Queue Problems\
11:34:46 Stacks, Queue, Deque Recap
11:41:01 Balanced Paranthesis
11:45:03 Balanced Paranthesis Code
11:51:00 Redundant Paranthesis
11:59:38 Redundant Paranthesis Code