The Pictish Problem - Genetics of Scotland

Imputed genomes and haplotype-based analyses of the Picts of early medieval Scotland reveal fine-scale relatedness between Iron Age, early medieval and the modern people of the UK Follow along at this open access link: Before the modern Scots, before the Angles and Saxons and Nordic populations of the Danelaw, before the Romans... Scotland was the land of the Picts. But where have these mysterious populations gone? In one of the first genetic analyses of Pictish Scotland, the authors of this PLOS Genetics article chart the results of eight bodies from Pictish graves from Ballintore and Lundin Links, Scotland. This is an initial study, not nearly as comprehensive as those done in neighboring England and Ireland, but the data indicate the movements of ancient populations over the millennia, and the authors promise further studies to come. So for you lovers of Scotland, wonder no more about the
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