Sydney Cummings - Full Body Tabata Workout | Табата-тренировка для всего тела

Exercise List: Group 1 (A): 1. 1/2 Pistol squat hops 2. Squat to lunge Group 2 (B): 1. Inchworms 2. Side plank taps Group 3 (C): 1. Upright bicycles 2. Plank knee taps Group 4 (D): 1. Single Leg Hops 2. Lateral Hops This 18 minute Full Body Friday Tabata workout with me, Sydney Cummings, will take you through four circuits of 2 exercises with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest. We will complete 4 rounds of each circuit alternating between the two exercises. We will be focusing on the entire upper body! There will be a 30 second rest between each completed group of exercises. This workout will go in an A, B, C, D format.
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