Masa Katsu

Curtis Sensei discusses famous calligraphy, brushed by O Sensei, presented to him by Suzuki Sensei. “Masa Katsu A Gatsu Kachi Haya Bi“ Masa - true Katsu - victory A - self Gatsu - victory Kachi - victory Haya - speed/fast/ space Bi - sunlight/day/time “True victory over the self transcends time and space“ Signature: Take musu aiki Morihei Ueshiba “Tsune mori“ (Ueshiba’s nickname) “If all you think about is winning you will in fact lose everything. Know that both you and your opponents are treading the same path. Envelop adversaries with love, entrust yourself to the natural flow of things, unify ki, body, and mind, and efface the boundary between self and other. This opens unlimited possibilities. Those who are enlightened to these principies are always victorious. Winning without contending is true victory, a victory over oneself, a victory swift and sure. Victory is to harmonize self and other, to link yourself to the Divine, to yoke yourself to Divine Love, to become the universe itself.“ Morihei Uyeshiba -- O’Sensei
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