King Of Malaya’s State Visit To Malacca (1957)

Malacca, Indonesia LS. People gathered in grounds of residence on St. Paul’s Hill for garden party, King & Queen of Malaya are present. MS. CU. King of Malaya and wife. SV. King shaking hands. LS. Crowd in grounds. Shots of State Drive through streets of cheering crowds. Shots int. dignitaries being presented to King. CU. sign “Henry Gurney School“. Walking shot of King. SV. MS. King in classroom. CU. King inspecting Carpenter’s shop. LS. King standing on steps of school with school band playing & marching. CU. sign “Sungei Lereh House“ “Girls School“. Various shots of Queen of Malaya visiting girls school, where she is handed a bouquet & inspects handwork and cooking. Shots of Her Majesty visiting babies home. Shots of King at State banquet where he gives a speech. Various shots of Indian dance performed on stage during banquet. (F.G.) ABDUL RAHMAN TUNKU HEAD OF STATE - MALAYA KING OF MALAYA’S STATE VISIT TO MALACCA VS of State Visit including visit to boys school. F/G Note: Some interesting Cultur
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